Consultation on draft guidance: ‘Achieving Value and Sustainability in Prescribing’

The Scottish Government has recently published draft guidance on ’Achieving Value and Sustainability in Prescribing’ which covers the appropriate use of items of low and limited clinical value, cost-effective use of blood glucose monitoring and insulin pen needles, and the effective use of antimicrobials.  

The consultation on this draft guidance is open – responses are welcome from anyone with an interest, before the consultation closes on 8 September.  

What is this guidance and the consultation about – how can we achieve value and sustainability in prescribing? 

There is variation across NHSScotland in what medicines are prescribed. This can include items that may have limited effectiveness, safety concerns, or provide low value for money for with more cost-effective items available.  

This draft guidance aims to reduce the use of low value medicines and ensure the effective use of medicines with limited clinical value throughout NHSScotland.  

In addition, it aims to ensure best value in the choice of blood glucose monitoring and insulin pen needles and to ensure the most effective use of antimicrobials (antibiotics) to minimise the risk of antimicrobial resistance.  

It provides guidance for NHS Boards and clinicians, to minimise the unwarranted variation in the prescribing of medicines and make the most efficient use of resources. It supports the principles of realistic medicine through shared decision making, encouraging medicine reviews and ensuring medicines are not prescribed inappropriately.  

This draft guidance was produced by an expert working group of the Value and Sustainability Prescribing group. It supports the vision of value-based health and care – the equitable, sustainable, and transparent use of resources to achieve better outcomes and experiences for every person in Scotland. 

The aim is to reduce unwarranted variation and maximise the value of healthcare – to achieve the outcomes that matter to the individual and to lead to a more sustainable health care system.  

Find out more 

Read the draft ’Achieving Value and Sustainability in Prescribing’ guidance and respond to the consultation. For more information email