National Green Theatres Programme – reflecting on progress

The National Green Theatres Programme (NGTP) has been reflecting on the progress and achievements that have been made since its launch in March 2023.

NGTP’s vision is to embed environmental sustainability into every clinical and managerial decision across NHS Scotland. It aims to develop and spread actions that can reduce carbon emissions across a number of areas, including practice, structural and equipment changes.

The programme is underpinned by a co-design approach, focused on working with clinicians, subject matter experts and national partners to share learning and best practice and design solutions through its national Speciality Delivery Group.

Working together, locally and nationally

NGTP has developed strong links with the National Treatment Centre teams, NHSScotland Assure, National Procurement and ARHAI Scotland so that early involvement of these groups can enable the development and implementation of carbon saving actions.

The national programme has seen colleagues coming together, forming into local Green Theatre teams and tackling the challenges of the healthcare burden on the environment.

New conversations and common goals

As Dr Kenneth Barker, Clinical Lead National Green Theatres Programme, explains: “The breaking down of barriers between different staff groups has allowed new conversations about clinical need, common goals, circularity and next steps on this journey.”

Through the national programme, coordinated efforts have facilitated co-designing and developing cases for change, outlining the reasons for implementing actions and the potential carbon and cost-saving opportunities for each NHS board, documented as ‘opportunities for change’.

Successes so far


Some successes of the programme so far:

  • 20,421 TCO2E (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) savings estimated
  • savings estimated
  • £5.8million ‘green dividend’ projected
  • 10 opportunities for change published
  • 5 actions for adoption published
  • 18 actions in development towards improving NHSScotland’s carbon footprint
  • 20 specialty delivery group and programme board meetings have taken place

The efforts and advocacy of clinicians, subject matter experts and national partners serve as the driving force behind our programme, and the progress to date is testament to their ongoing contributions.

Looking forwards

Looking to the future, NGTP is continuing to work with clinicians and colleagues to develop carbon saving actions which includes moving into the circular economy landscape.

Beyond reusable compared to single use, we want to consider the opportunities for recovery of materials as well as the reprocessing and remanufacturing of items.

Find out more

Visit their website to learn more about the NGTP.