Greenhouse gases

We recognise our role in ensuring that Scotland achieves its target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.  The identification and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions takes place across the whole of the NHSScotland estate, encompassing emissions arising from energy, water consumption and treatment, waste, anaesthetic gases, transport, business travel and from the goods and services we procure. We also engage staff, patients, visitors and other local agencies to contribute to the delivery of area-wide greenhouse gas reduction strategies and plans.


The UN Climate Change Conference COP26 Glasgow 2020

This is a globally significant event as the world comes together to address climate change.

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Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC

Summary video for Policy Makers

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Towards a Net Zero NHS

Presentation by Kathryn Dapre Head of Energy & Sustainability at NHSScotland on getting to net zero

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Healthcare's Climate Footprint

In collaboration with Health Care Without Harm, Arup has estimated the healthcare sector’s global climate footprint, establishing for the first time the significance of healthcare’s contribution to the climate emergency.

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